At Cigars love show our purpose is not only to bring a one of the kind experience but to
showcase the beauty of traditional cigar rolling with the passion of Master rollers and premium
hand crafted cuban cigars.
Our services include:
Choose From 50, 75 Or 100 Cigars
Master Cigar Roller: Authentic Cuban Roller
Cigar Rolling
Premium Cigars: Hand-rolled On-site
Complimentary Cedar Spills & Matchboxes
Cigar Host
We offer different packages designed to best fit your next event needs:
Traditional master Cigar Roller
Live Cigar rolling : 2 hour performance
50 Authentic Hand crafted cigars on site
Complementary Bags and match boxes
Traditional master Cigar Roller
Live Cigar rolling : 3 hour performance
50 Authentic Hand crafted cigars on site
25 Pre rolled Cigars
Complementary Bags and match boxes
Gran corona
Traditional master Cigar Roller
Cigar host witch will assist each guest in cutting, Lighting and guiding them to select the best blend for the most enjoyable smoke experience.
Live Cigar rolling : 3 hour performance
50 Authentic Hand crafted cigars on site
50 Pre rolled Cigars
Complementary Bags and match boxes